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Iran: Four Christian converts sent to prison after they were unable to afford the $30,000 bail

Persecution of Christians in Iran: here is yet another story of the persecution of converts to Christianity in the Islamic Republic. Like the others, it indicates how deeply threatened many governments that persecute Christians are by the Holy Gospel of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. They know that God can transform men’s souls, and authoritarian governments in particular fear that they will lose their control over their people if there are large-scale conversions to Christianity. The result is the persecution and harassment of people who have no one to come to their aid.

Please pray that Almighty God would grant to all the Christians of Iran the indomitable strength and perseverance in the Faith of the Holy Martyrs.

For previous coverage of Iran, see here.

“Iranian Christian Converts Imprisoned,” International Christian Concern, May 17, 2020:

05/17/2020 Iran (International Christian Concern) – Four Iranian Christian converts who were arrested in February have been sent to Lakan Prison after they were unable to afford the bail established by Branch 10 of the Revolutionary Courts. Each individual was set a bail of 500 million tomans ($30,000) after they appeared before the court on May 14th. The exact nature of their charges are unknown and each of the arrested Christians are members of the city of Rasht’s Church of Iran. Their names are Ramin Hassanpour, his wife Kathrin Sajadpour, Moslem Rahimi, and one other who wishes to remain unidentified.

Iran has a long history of using the judicial system to financially exploit Christians while also condemning them to long sentences in some of the country’s harshest jails. Christians from the Church of Iran have frequently been singled out by the authorities….

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