Christians make up about 30% of the nation’s population, yet also like the persecution of Christians in neighboring countries, their persecution is escalating.
For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in Burkina Faso, see here.
“Pastor Killed in Burkina Faso,” Open Doors, June 1, 2023:
On May 25 seven people were killed, including a local pastor when jihadists attacked Molokadou village in northern Burkina Faso.
The village came under attack at around 4pm. One local church leader was able to share with Open Doors partners that “The terrorists encircled the village, shooting in the air to create panic. Then, they entered a compound where they killed two people. A third person who was there fled and got to the pastor’s compound. The jihadists followed him to the church leader’s compound… with no response, they went in and shot the young man and pastor dead, in front of his wife.”
Pastor Jonas Yaro (39) served the Apostolic Church in the village for eight years and leaves behind a wife and three children.
Molokadou village is situated about 60km from Bobo Dioulassou, along the Bobo-Dedougou Road.
Besides Pastor Yaro, one other victim has been confirmed as a Christian….