Archon News

Archon Alert regarding Archon Weekend 2020

Dear Brother Archons,



Archon Weekend is scheduled for October 16~18, but given the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis, we are holding off until July to make a final decision on actually having an in-person Archon Weekend.  In the meantime, we are making contingency plans in the event we need to reschedule.  Furthermore, the Archon Selection Committee continues its work in selecting the Archon Class of 2020 to be recommended for approval to the Exarch, His Eminence Elpidophoros of America and ultimate disposition from His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. We will be sending a follow up note to you in July to let you know the final decision.  If you have any thoughts or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me (

Stay safe and healthy!

Anthony J. Limberakis, MD

Archon Aktouarios

National Commander

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