Archon News

You’re Invited: All Florida Archon Retreat to Be Held January 2020 in Naples

The Archons of Florida and the Christian Rights and Freedom Institute are co-sponsoring an All Florida Archon Retreat in Naples, Florida on January 18 and 19, 2020 at St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church, offering a packed schedule of incisive lectures and engaging social events. All members of the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and their spouses are cordially invited to attend.

The retreat will feature two Saturday afternoon lectures in the Cultural Hall of St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church, beginning at 1PM and ending at 4PM. The first will be by Archon Dr. George Demacopoulos, historian for the Order of Saint Andrew, professor of Historical Theology and co-founder of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University, on “Prospects for a United Orthodoxy in America.” The second, by Lauren Green, chief religion correspondent for FOX News, will be on “Understanding this ‘Present Evil Age’ in the Persecution of Christians.” A question-and-answer session will follow, after which Lauren Green will sign copies of her book, Lighthouse Faith: God as a Living Reality in a World Immersed in Fog.

On Saturday evening at 7 o’clock, there will be a traditional Vasilopita Dinner Dance celebration, featuring live music by the Peter Lambropoulos Band and a dinner.

On Sunday morning, Orthros begins at 8:30, followed by the Divine Liturgy at 9:30. At 1PM there will be a luncheon for Archons and their spouses at the Stonebridge Country Club, sponsored by Christian Rights and Freedom Institute.

Attendance at the lectures is free; however, pre-registration is required; please submit your form to attend. There is a $60 per person charge to attend the Vasilopita Dinner Dance with live Greek music; payment with registration is required.  Please submit with your form by mail or call to pay by credit card.

All Archons and their spouses are invited to the Sunday luncheon as guests of Christian Rights and Freedom Institute. Information on this will be provided to those who register.

If you live outside of the Southwest Florida area, it is important to book your Hilton Hotel. St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church enjoys a significant discount with them in high season, but the rooms are limited. Take advantage of this opportunity and book early; there is only a 48-hour cancellation required, which secures your room almost till the last minute. You have nothing to lose when booking early, but if you delay the rooms may be gone!

For questions about this uniquely informative and enjoyable event, contact Dr. Harry G. Dimopoulos, Archon Chartophylax, 7620 Palmer Court, Naples, FL 34112. Phone: 484-515-9052. Email:

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