Persecution of Christians in China: the government is not just moving against churches and Christian organizations that do not have official government recognition, but is waging all-out war against the Christian faithful, and official recognition from the government is essentially meaningless.
This is a matter of grave concern not only for China’s Catholic and Protestant churches, but for the tiny community of Orthodox Christians in China. The Chinese government has not granted Orthodox Christianity any official status, and in any case, this article makes it clear that official status is no guarantee of protection. The Orthodox churches in China could be closed at any time at the whim of local officials, and Orthodox Christians taken into custody. This is yet another instance of the persecution of Christians by governing officials that is unfortunately on the increase not only in China, but in all too many other nations around the world.
For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in China, see here.
“Shanghai church raided,” ChinaAid, December 7, 2019
(Shanghai—Dec. 7, 2019) Government agents invaded Wheat Church in Shanghai last Sunday and banned the church.
The church was conducting a worship service when the officials broke in. They accused the attendees of conducting religious activities in an illegal place. The church’s preaching was stopped, and all followers were expelled.
Around 200 Christians refused to leave. Standing in the cold, they sang and worshipped in front of the church….