Home » Who We Are » Archon Engagement Committees
The mission of the Archon Engagement Committee is to provide meaningful opportunities for all Archons to participate in the active and ongoing defense of the Ecumenical Patriarchate across a wide range of fields. Divided into several, subject matter specific subcommittees, the Archon Engagement Committee is designed to encourage participating Archons to develop original initiatives for consideration of inclusion in the national policy of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
If you are an Archon and want to become involved in the Archon Engagement Committees, please contact Archon Stephen A. Georgeson, Chair.
This committee is charged with the responsibility of organizing and managing academia symposia focusing both on the external challenges facing the Ecumenical Patriarchate and on the five major religious freedom issues critical to the Patriarch and to Orthodox Christians.
The mission of the committee will be to develop communications strategies for the Order in its social media and website platforms and for creating guidance for individual Archons who are making parish and Metropolis educational presentations.
The mission of the Foundation is to provide financial independence for the Ecumenical Patriarchate in perpetuity. The Foundation is charged with the responsibility of developing strategy on membership recruitment and an internal communications platform for ongoing updates for prospective members. This will include print and electronic media reaching out to the broadest base of supporters among all ministries, organizations and the Faithful.
This committee will be responsible for drafting and submitting editorials for publication in all print and online media at any time it is determined necessary to communicate support or disagreement with, or to clarify, respond to or correct news articles or editorial opinions relating in any way with the Ecumenical Patriarchate and with related religious freedom issues.
This committee will provide critical grassroots support at both the state and federal levels for Congressional and legislative initiatives on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
The critical task of this committee will be to help develop separate organizational structures for the Archons in Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australia and to assist in the creation of mission oriented Orders. Because some of these areas have their own Archon organizations (i.e., Greece has Pammakaristos), the committee’s task in these cases would be to coordinate working with these groups rather than organizing a new group of Archons.
This much-needed new committee is designed to facilitate the providing of basic medical and dental care to indigent children in Orthodox countries.
This committee will develop an overall educational strategy for individual parish and Metropolis communities, focusing on the role of our Ecumenical Patriarchate in world Orthodoxy in general and on American Orthodoxy in particular. Because so many people, especially the youth, have no idea who our Patriarch and our Ecumenical Patriarchate are, educating the Omogenia on this basic information should be paramount.
This committee will work to disseminate information to Orthodox faithful and government decision makers on those Green Initiatives identified by His All Holiness as most critical, as well as to highlight the various symposia and activities hosted by the Patriarch highlighting the endangered areas around the world (i.e., Antarctic, Amazon River, Mississippi River).
This committee is responsible for dealing specifically with issues concerning patriarchal properties and also more broadly with general patriarchal legal issues.
We support the greater participation of women in the life of the Church. The WORD was established by our Lord and Savior and evangelized by the Four Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but the very FIRST Evangelists were the Myrrh-bearing Women. The Myrrh-bearing Women were the very first to witness the empty tomb and were instructed by the risen Lord to bring the joyful news to the Apostles. That voice of the very first Evangelists, transmitted through the millennia, needs to be heard today from the countless Orthodox women who are the backbone of every parish in America. Consonant with the encouragement of the Exarch, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, and the official policy of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, this Engagement Committee Women in Orthodoxy is designed to foster that greater participation and is open to Archons and non-Archons, women and men.
The mission of this committee is to connect with the various youth committees and organizations in our communities, establish regular gatherings with them, help educate them on the religious freedom challenges facing the Ecumenical Patriarchate and instruct them on the various initiatives undertaken by the Order to successfully overcome these obstacles.