Archon News

Young People of Istanbul in the Land of a Thousand Lakes

In the context of the program of mutual visits between the Orthodox youth of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Autonomous Church of Finland, a six-member group of young people visited the cities of Helsinki, Joensuu, Valamo, Lintula, Mohko and Ilomantsi.

The young people, among other activities, participated in the Divine Liturgy which took place on Saturday, July 13, for the canonization of the martyr John of Sokajanranta, who, as is known, was recently registered by the Holy and Great Synod in the holy calendar of the Orthodox Church.

These reciprocal visits, which began in 1995 at the initiative of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, contribute to the mutual understanding of the youth of the Mother Church of Constantinople and the daughter Church of Finland. The team leader this time was the tertiary of the Ecumenical Patriarch, Deacon Alexandros.

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