Archon News

U.S. State Legislatures continue to pass Religious Freedom resolutions for the Ecumenical Patriarchate

States highlighted in LIGHT BLUE indicate that the resolution has been introduced. States highlighted in GOLD indicate final adoption and no further action is necessary. States highlighted in DARK BLUE indicate no resolution has been introduced at this time.

In 2006, the National Council of the Order of St. Andrew initiated the Religious Freedom Resolutions project. The goal of this project, which represents one component of the overall, multi-faceted Religious Freedom Initiative, is the adoption of religious freedom resolutions in support of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in every state legislature. The Ecumenical Patriarchate’s existence is currently threatened by the persecutory policies of the government of Turkey, which if continues threatens the survival of this nearly 2000 year old institution founded by the First Called Apostle of Christ, Andrew, the brother of Peter.

To date, 17 such resolutions have been adopted by 14 states and 7 states are reviewing the resolution in the State Senate and/or House of Representatives. Massachussetts, Mississippi, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma and Kentucky are the most recent states to adopt these resolutions.

Through the efforts of Archons Stephen Georgeson and Nicholas Loutsion, a new page on the Archon web site which promotes this project has been developed. The web page, located under the “Issues” category on the main menu of, contains an interactive map which easily identifies those states that have, or currently are reviewing the religious-freedom resolution. A listing of every state and links to those adopted resolutions have also been made available. This page can be viewed at:

This project is an ongoing effort of the Order of Saint Andrew and represents an important part of the governmental and public affairs strategy of the Religious Freedom Initiative.

To learn more about the Archons efforts towards the Religious Freedom Resolutions Project, visit

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