President Trump addressed the persecution of Christians in Syria in a recent speech. The aid will go not only to Christians, but to other religious minorities as well. The Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, thanks the President for this emergency aid, and hopes it will be only the beginning of genuine, tangible help for the Christians of Syria and the entire Middle East. We pray that this initiative will also be reciprocated by genuine action from other nations all over the world, to save their persecuted Christian populations. For too long the persecution of Christians has been met with indifference from governments the world over and the international media. We hope this heralds a change in that.
For coverage of the persecution of Christians in Syria, see here.
“President Trump announces $50 million in emergency aid to support human right groups in Syria,” by Ann Wilson, The BL, October 13, 2019:
President Trump addressed the Values Voter Summit on Saturday, Oct. 12, in Washington, and announced that he had directed $50 million in emergency aid for Syria to support Christians and other religious minorities in the country.
“This funding will provide emergency financial assistance to Syrian human rights defenders, civil society organizations, and reconciliation efforts directly supporting ethnic and religious minority victims of the conflict,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement.
“It will also go toward increased accountability, removal of explosive remnants of war, community security for stabilization assistance, documenting human rights abuses and international humanitarian law violations, and support for survivors of gender-based violence and torture,” the statement reads.
President Trump decided to withdraw the U.S. forces from northeastern Syria—the move drew widespread bipartisan criticism.
“These wars, they never end. And we have to bring our great heroes, our great soldiers back from the never-ending wars,” the president told the crowd. “We defeated ISIS, we did our job, now we have to go home.”
“Don’t forget they are fighting for their land. They haven’t helped us fight for our land,” he continued. “Let them have their borders, but I don’t think our soldiers should be there for the next 15 years guarding a border between Turkey and Syria when we can’t guard our own borders.”…