Archon News

Sri Lanka: “We need justice,” says priest on behalf of Western Easter bombing victims

Persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka: the bombings of churches at Western Easter last year killed over 250 people, and now “Father Nishantha Cooray, who ministered to many survivors following the atrocity says victims are still waiting for justice to be served.” The failure of authorities to act decisively in the wake of these attacks only encourages more persecution of Christians. Not only are the families of the victims still waiting for justice to be served, but also, after the bombings, many Christians in Sri Lanka were afraid to go to church, and remain so.

The Order hopes that the Sri Lankan government will begin to be more proactive than it has been up to now, and act to provide protection for that nation’s Christians. Indifference, however, seems to be the international order of the day when it comes to Christians suffering persecution.

For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, see here.

“‘We need justice’: Sri Lankan priest on behalf of Easter bombing victims,” by Alissa Moffit, CHVN, October 27, 2019

Father Nishantha Cooray, who ministered to many survivors following the atrocity says victims are still waiting for justice to be served.

Seven months after the terrorist attacks in which three churches and three hotels in Sri Lanka were targeted in a series of suicide bombings, authorities have yet to name those responsible.

Father Cooray says to Premier, “The police investigation is over. Our problem is, the report is not released. Nobody knows the outcome.

“We need justice, internationally, there should be some voice against this.”

Cooray says, “We are asking the international community to influence the Sri Lankan government to release the report.”

Cooray spoke to members of parliament alongside the Catholic organization, Aid to the Church in Need, which highlights the current state of Christian oppression across the globe….

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