Vernon Brewer is the CEO and founder of World Help, a Christian humanitarian organization committed to serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world.
For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere, and the imminent disappearance of Christianity from some of its ancient strongholds, see here.
“Vernon Brewer: Over 245 million Christians are persecuted around the world – Some are being killed,” by Vernon Brewer, Fox News, November 2, 2019:
…It’s easy to go about our lives and forget that in places like Nigeria, Iran and North Korea being a Christian can often lead to death. After all, for the most part, persecution for our faith isn’t something most of us face….
According to Open Doors’ 2019 World Watch List, over 245 million Christians experienced high levels of persecution in 2018. That’s more than the entire population of Brazil — the sixth-most populous country in the world.
The persecution these men, women, and children face varies. Some are denied jobs, disowned by their families, or thrown out of their communities. Others face imprisonment and unspeakable physical abuse. Some are forced to literally run for their lives. And at least 4,305 Christians died last year, simply for choosing to follow Jesus.
That means approximately 11 believers will die today. Eleven died yesterday. And 11 more, give or take, will die tomorrow.