Christians make up about 8.2 percent of the population of Myanmar. The overwhelming majority of these are Protestants, with Roman Catholics comprising most of the rest; there is, however, a small community of Armenian Orthodox Christians.
For more coverage of the persecution of Christians in Myanmar, see here.
“Chin pastor from Magway Region killed during military interrogation,” by Khin Yi Yi Zaw, Myanmar Now, December 13, 2021:
A Christian pastor was killed during a military interrogation in Magway Region last week after being detained on suspicion of links to the People’s Defence Force (PDF), locals have said.
Salai Ngwe Kyar, 26, from Sidoktaya Township, was arrested while traveling from his village of Thet Kei Taung to Saw Township last Monday.
He was taken to the local police station and then to the No. 20 Defence Equipment Industry factory to be interrogated more, according to Maga, an officer from the anti-junta Magway People’s Revolution Committee.
“I think the interrogation methods there are much more brutal than those at the police station,” he said.
On Wednesday Salai Ngwe Kyar was sent to the Magway General Hospital for medical treatment and his family was notified on the following day that he had died, said Maga, who goes by a pseudonym for security reasons.
“I think they were forced to send him to the Magway General Hospital when they took the interrogations too far and the township hospital could no longer treat his injuries,” he added.
The exact cause of death is unclear and efforts to retrieve the pastor’s body have so far been unsuccessful….