The junta has not infrequently targeted Christian areas, and even churches, as it ostensibly hunts for anti-regime activity. It is likely indifferent to pleas not to target churches because in Myanmar as in other countries in the region, Christianity is seen as a foreign faith.
Christians make up about 8.2 percent of the population of Myanmar. Most of these Christians are Protestants, with Roman Catholics comprising most of the rest.
For more coverage of the persecution of Christians in Myanmar, see here.
“Child Among Three Killed in Land and Air Attack on Christian Village in Myanmar,” Barnabas Fund, December 5, 2022:
A seven-year-old child was one of three people killed when the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) launched a joint land and air attack on Mon Hla, a historic Christian village in Khin-U township, Sagaing Region.
More than 200 troops were involved in the assault on 23 November in which a 40-year-old woman and a 30-year-old man also died.
Over 200 of the village’s 700 buildings, including a church and a Christian school, were destroyed after being engulfed by fires started by the soldiers.
Mon Hla is home to 3,000 mostly Christian residents. It is one the region’s historic Bayingyi villages where inhabitants are descended from Christians who settled in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries….
The military, which seized power in Buddhist-majority Myanmar in February 2021, has for many years persecuted Myanmar’s Christian minority, estimated to make up 6.2% of the population.