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Mali: 95 Christians killed in attack — “No one was spared”

The Fulani Muslim militants who have long been persecuting Christians in Nigeria are now expanding their activities to neighboring countries. Also, according to Open Doors USA, “In April 2012, Islamic extremists established an Islamic state system with a Sharia regime in the north. Although most Christians fled the region, churches in southern Mali have also been negatively affected by the increasing visibility of various Wahhabi (strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect) groups.” Please add the tiny and embattled community of Christians in Mali to your daily prayers, asking Almighty God to protect and strengthen them, helping them endure this persecution, and to persevere until this age of persecution is ended.

“95 Christians killed in Mali attack—‘No one was spared,’” by Lindy Lowry, Open Doors USA, June 22, 2019:

Continue to pray with Christians in West Africa’s Sahel region (which includes Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger). An attack in Mali has killed an estimated 95 people, including men, women and children—a third of the village. While there are conflicting reports on the death toll, major news outlets reported “officials say 95 people have been found dead.” A contact on the ground in Mali confirmed that all those who died were Christians.

On Sunday evening, June 9, Fulani Muslim militants fired shots and set fire to the central Mali village of Sobame Da, near Sanga in the Mopti region. Many of the bodies were found burned.

A survivor of the attacks who called himself Amadou Togo told the AFP news agency: “About 50 heavily armed men arrived on motorbikes and pickups. They first surrounded the village and then attacked–anyone who tried to escape was killed.”

He added: “No one was spared–women, children, elderly people.”

According to a government statement, the attackers also killed animals and burned down houses.

A Malian security source at the site of the massacre said: “A Dogon village has been virtually wiped out.”

Photo by upyernoz from Haverford, USA – DjiguibomboUploaded by AlbertHerring, CC BY 2.0,

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