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Iraq: New report by International Office of Migration details obstacles Iraqi Christians face

After years of strife, by 2014 it was reported that 90% of the Orthodox Christians of Iraq had been displaced. Most of them are still refugees and have been unable to return home. Still others who remained are leaving now.

For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in Iraq, click here.

“New Iraq Report Says Returnees Combat Safety and Security Concerns,” International Christian Concern, January 11, 2022:

01/11/2022 Iraq (International Christian Concern) – A new report by the International Office of Migration (IOM) details the obstacles that Iraqi Christians and returnees face following their displacement by the Islamic State and desire for reintegration. Those returning to the country must combat issues of safety, security and freedom of movement. The highest number of returnees reside in Nineveh Governorate, while Mosul hosts the highest number at the district level.

The IOM report suggests that these key factors pose challenges to the full reintegration of displaced Iraqis. Regarding potential violence and safety issues, nearly half (48%) of all returnees reside in a location where either the Islamic State or splinter groups attacks are concerns. This percentage is even higher in the governorates of Nineveh, Salah al-Din and Diyala. Conflicts between armed groups and security forces as well as community tensions also contribute to insecurity concerns.

The physical protection and security of returnees are reportedly made worse by the many actors involved. Though security forces can aid feelings of protection in returnees, the presence of three or more cause confusion. Nearly half (46%) of returnees reside in a location where three or more actors are present. Those who are non-native forces also contribute to uneasiness….

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