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Indonesia: Christian YouTuber Arrested for Blasphemy

Christians are a tiny, embattled minority in Indonesia, as in other countries. There is a small and courageous community of Orthodox Christians in Indonesia, numbering around 2500 people.

For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in Indonesia, see here.

“Christian Youtuber in Indonesia Arrested for Blasphemy,” International Christian Concern, August 26, 2021:

08/26/2021 Indonesia (International Christian Concern) – Indonesian police have arrested a Christian Youtuber after a recent video he uploaded on Youtube went viral and offended Muslims around the country.

Muhammad Kace, a former Muslim, was taken away by the police from his hideout in Bali on Wednesday, after a series of complaints were filed by Muslims accusing him of blasphemy. His latest sermon video allegedly insulted Prophet Muhammad by claiming the prophet was “surrounded by devils and liars.”

He is charged with violations of articles on blasphemy and disinformation under the Criminal Code (KUHP) and the Information and Electronic Transactions Act (UU ITE). He can serve up to six years in prison.

According to National Police, he uploaded about 400 controversial videos across various social media platforms, 20 of which have been taken down.

Muhammad Kace is currently transported by police from Bali to the Criminal Investigation Unit headquarters in Jakarta for further questioning.

Kace’s case again highlights Indonesia’s abusive Blasphemy Law and how it can easily be employed to prosecute people of other faith criticizing Islam, whereas Muslims mocking Christians or Buddhists are always spared.

Philip Situmorang, spokesman of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia, said he hoped there would not be a backlash against Christians….

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