Our brothers and sisters of the Coptic Orthodox Christian Church in Egypt are persecuted on a nearly daily basis for their faith.
Not only the Copts, but also our 300,000 Greek Orthodox brothers and sisters in Egypt suffer sporadic persecution, discrimination, and harassment, and as we see so often, frequently Egyptian officials do little or nothing to alleviate their plight.
For previous ChristianPersecution.com coverage of the persecution of Christians in Egypt, see here.
“Pressured Conversions Bring Shame and Stigma to Christian Families,” International Christian Concern, August 28, 2023:
08/28/2023 Egypt (International Christian Concern) – As a religious minority in Egypt, Christians face various pressures to convert to Islam. Women, and particularly Christian widows, face uniquely harsh pressures, as ICC documented earlier this month. When even one family member decides to convert to Islam from Christianity, that decision brings a communal shame to the whole Christian family with a strong stigma attached to that family, even in their own Christian community, family, and church….
Egyptian Christians face daily challenges in their communities from the pressures of the majority society around them….