This brief video reveals the devastation done to Christian churches in Aleppo, Syria during the Syrian civil war. Of 18,000 Greek Orthodox Christians in Aleppo before war began, now only 5,000 remain. Fr. Ghassan Ward, archpriest of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Dormition of St. Mary in Aleppo, appeals in this video to those who have left, asking them to help rebuild the Orthodox churches in Aleppo. This is a matter of concern to all Orthodox Christians. The Christians of Aleppo need spiritual and material assistance from the Christians of the world; please remember them regularly in your prayers and assist them in any way you can.
“Churches in Syria: ‘We live together or we die together,’” World Watch Monitor, September 26, 2018:
The Syrian civil war seems finally to be drawing to a close, with Idlib province the last battlefield in a long and bloody conflict between government forces and rebel groups….
This footage from the start of this year shows the destruction in Aleppo to Armenian Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Syriac Catholic churches, and the efforts of the churches to support their communities.