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Burkina Faso: 2,000 Christians flee village following IS attack

As the persecution of Christians escalates in Burkina Faso, the central government is either too weak, too indifferent, or both to do anything serious to stop it. If this situation continues, Christianity will be eradicated from Central Africa. The persecution of Christians in Africa cries out urgently for international intervention. Please continue to pray for the Christians of Burkina Faso, that their hearts would be steadfast, and for those who persecute them, that their hearts would be transformed.

“2,000 Christians flee village following IS attack in Burkina Faso,” by Heather Preston, Premier, September 18, 2019:

Christian villagers in Burkina Faso have come under threat by IS extremists for refusing to convert to Islam.

According to Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), 2,000 villagers from Hitté and Rounga in Burkina Faso’s Loroum Province, fled their homes following violent attacks by Islamist extremists earlier this month.

Speaking about the attack on Hitté, ACN’s source said: “At the beginning of September, 16 men arrived in the village, intercepting the villagers who were returning from the fields.

“Some of the men forced the people to enter the church where they threatened the Christians and ordered them to leave their homes in the next three days, while others set fire to whatever they found in their path. Now Hitté is empty of any Christians and any catechumens.”

7,000 people reportedly sought shelter in the provinces’ capital, Titao.

The nearby city of Toulfé was the first town in the region to be targeted when jihadists murdered five people in May, before moving on to the town of Babo….

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