Archon News

Archbishop Warns About the Extinction of Christians in Iraq

After years of strife, by 2014 it was reported that 90% of the Orthodox Christians of Iraq had been displaced. Most of them are still refugees and have been unable to return home. Still others who remained are leaving now.

For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in Iraq, click here.

“Archbishop Warns About the Extinction of Christians in Iraq,” International Christian Concern, November 11, 2022:

11/11/2022 Iraq (International Christian Concern) – Iraqi Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil warned hundreds of religious leaders in Indonesia Bali, while at the G20 Religion forum, of the impending extinction of Christians in his country should the level of general violence and religious minority persecution, continue to occur.

Militant Islamic groups and non-Christian government officials perpetrate much violence and oppression, leaving most Christians to practice secretly. reports that Warda warns, “There is “a fundamental crisis of violence within Islam” that “can no longer be ignored,” Warda said, adding that it “continues to affect the entire Middle East, Africa, Asia and beyond.”…

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