Dear Brother Archons,
The Archon office was recently notified about the sad news of the passing of former Congressman Archon Nicholas Galifianakis, Archon Depoutatos, of Raleigh, NC who fell asleep in the Lord on March 27, 2023. He was invested as an Archon on October 10, 2015.
On a personal note, while I served as a United States Senate Page in Washington during my high school years, I had the privilege to interact with Congressman Nick, witness his effective legislative efforts and enjoy his great sense of humor (“any name that begins with Gal and ends in Kiss”). He made us all proud as Greek Americans and as a faithful Greek Orthodox communicant and steward of Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox Church of Durham, North Carolina, where I would see him years later while I was a medical student at Duke.
On behalf of the Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate we express our deep sympathy to his wife Louise and their family with abiding faith in our Lord and Savior and with hope in His resurrection!
Ζωή σε σας… Ζωή σε μας…
Anthony J. Limberakis, MD
Archon Aktouarios
National Commander