Archon News

In Memoriam: Harry G. Plomarity

Dear Brother Archons,

The Archon office was recently notified regarding the sad news of the passing of Archon Harry G. Plomarity, Archon Ekdikos, of Corpus Christi, TX, who fell asleep in the Lord on November 9, 2023. Archon Harry was invested as an Archon on March 3, 1985.

On behalf of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate we express our deep sympathy to his wife, Thalia, and their entire family with abiding faith in our Lord and Savior and with hope in His resurrection!

Ζωή σε σας… Ζωή σε μας…

Anthony J. Limberakis, MD
Archon Megas Aktouarios
National Commander

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