Archon News

Archons participate in Saint Photios Shrine 30th anniversary celebrations

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta with Archons of the Foundation Trustees and guest Archons for Saint Photios National Shrine celebrations. (Photos by Orthodox Observer)

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His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, together with His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta and Archons throughout the Archdiocese participated in celebrations marking the 30th anniversary of Saint Photios National Shrine, Feb 4-5 held in St. Augustine, Florida.

A Trustees dinner, held on Saturday evening was presided over by Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman and Metropolitan Alexios, President, along with His Grace Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos, Director Emeritus. Archon Dr. Manuel Tissura, 1st Vice President served as Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Archon Regional Commanders John C. Scurtis and Dr. Theodore Vlahos, who could not be present, arranged to have Dr. Andrew Ekonomou, Senior Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice and the European Centre for Law and Justice, serve as the featured guest speaker.

Archbishop Demetrios of America bestows the Medal of Saint Paul upon Archon Regional Commander Dr. Manuel Tissura for his many years of dedicated service to the Shrine, the Metropolis and Church.

The celebration of the Divine Liturgy took place the following morning in the Shrine Chapel. A luncheon celebration followed with Archon Nick Furris serving as Toastmaster. Metropolitan Alexios offered greetings and Archon Ted Johnson later presented an overview of “Glimpses of the Past.” Archbishop Demetrios offered the keynote address and at the conclusion of the luncheon, bestowed the Saint Paul Medal upon Archon Tissura, honoring him for his many years of leadership and service with the Saint Photios National Shrine, as Archon Regional Commander and for his many services to the Metropolis and Church for the past thirty-five years.

Archon Regional Commander John C. Scurtis of South Florida with the featured guest speaker Dr. Andrew Ekonomou, Mrs. Evangeline Scurtis, Vannette Carousis and Archon Dr. and Mrs. George Zazanis.

Honored guests in attendance that weekend also included Archon Constantine G. Caras, Chairman of Leadership 100; Paulette Poulos, Director of Leadership 100; John Grossomanides, Supreme President of the Order of Ahepa;, Sandy Papadopoulos, Supreme Governor of the Order of Ahepa; Archon Regional Commander Harry Cavalaris, 1st Vice President Emeritus of the Saint Photios Shrine; Presvytera Cindy Paleologos, National Sisterhood of Presvyteres; Laura Nixon, President Atlanta Metropolis Philoptochos Society, and Grand Benefactors Archon Charles Masterpolis and Eula Carlos in the person of her daughter who was representing her, Helen Carlos.

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