Archon News

A Note of Thanks from the Commander regarding 2022 Archon Weekend

My Beloved Co-workers in Christ,

I cannot tell you how proud I am of all my brother Archons who made 2022 Archon Weekend not only possible, but a spectacular success! In addition to the extraordinary events of each day, one of the greatest accomplishments was presenting His Beatitude $100,000 in support of his missionary ministry in Africa, which inspired Archon John A. Catsimatidis and newly invested Archon Tom Makkos each to match that $100,000 and another Archon to offer $50,000 anonymously totaling $350,000 (we have developed a donation website). After all, we who live in the richest country in the world have an obligation to follow our Lord’s admonition to assist those in need. I thank His Beatitude Patriarch Theodore II for giving us that opportunity.

I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me. –Matthew 25:35–36

The Order’s deep gratitude is conveyed to His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and Fr. Alex our beloved Spiritual Advisor, the Executive Officers, National Council, Regional Commanders and Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Engagement Committees and all the generous Banquet Sponsors, for their essential contributions to Archon Weekend and the success of His Beatitude’s historic official visit to America, which included a meeting with the President of the United States, Joe Biden!

In the Service of the Holy Mother Church,

Anthony J. Limberakis, MD

Archon Aktouarios

National Commander

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