Dear Brother Archons,
I hope you are enjoying the Fourth of July Weekend with family and friends, while keeping in mind the social constraints we all must follow in the days of the pandemic.
I am pleased to share the video by the St. Photios National Shrine under the leadership of His Grace Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos on the commemoration of the Fall of Constantinople. The excellent video features Hagia Sophia, The Great Church of Christ which is now a museum and was the most widely visited tourist attraction in all of Turkey in 2019. The video indeed is most timely, as the President of Turkey threatens to convert the museum to an active mosque, a most provocative and inflammatory act which the Order is fighting hard to prevent and to maintain its neutral status as a museum.
The Order thanks St. Photios National Shrine Hierarchal Proistamenos His Grace Bishop Demetrios, assisted by Executive Director Polexeni Maouris Hillier, for their great work at St. Photios National Shrine and for the excellent video.
In the Service of the Ecumenical Patriarchate,
Anthony J. Limberakis, MD
Archon Aktouarios
National Commander