President, AVF Federation of Alevi Foundations | Istanbul, Turkey
Mr. Bermek’s education includes degrees in architecture, business administration as well as being a graduate of the Harvard School of Business. He began his career as an architect in 1971, but also has been active in community affairs in his native Turkey.
He is the founder of the Turkish Foundation for Education of Gifted Children (1992) as well as the CEM Foundation (1995), the biggest Alevi Organization in Turkey, whose name stands for prayer of Alevi Muslims. He is currently president of the Federation of Alevi Foundations. He is coordinator of EU-supported projects dealing with cultural and religious projects. His specific experiences include involvement with projects involving the countries of Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia and Azarbaijan.
Mr. Bermek has participated in various international and regional symposiums, meetings and conferences. He is also noted for his research on Turkish folklore.