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North Korea: Bible Possession Leads to Toddler, Parents Imprisoned for Life

The State Department report says: “The NGO Open Doors USA (ODUSA) estimated that authorities held 50,000 to 70,000 citizens in prison for being Christian. ODUSA stated that Christians experienced persecution that was ‘violent and intense’ and that ‘life for Christians … is a constant cauldron of pressure; capture or death is only a mistake away.’”

For more coverage of the persecution of Christians in North Korea, see here.

“Bible Possession Leads to North Korean Toddler, Parents Imprisoned for Life,” International Christian Concern, May 30, 2023:

5/30/2023 North Korea (International Christian Concern)North Korea has reportedly sentenced a two-year-old to life in prison after his parents were arrested for possessing a Bible, according to the U.S. State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report 2022. The child’s parents were taken into custody after being found with a Bible, which is considered contraband in North Korea….

As many as 70,000 Christians and other religious minorities are imprisoned in camps.  

“The right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion [in North Korea] also continues to be denied, with no alternative belief systems tolerated by the authorities,” António Guterres, the United Nation’s secretary-general said in the report outlining liberty religious atrocities that have occurred in North Korea in the past years.

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