Archon News

Egypt: ISIS releases video of the martyrdom of a Coptic Christian who was kidnapped in Sinai

The rise of ISIS in Egypt further threatens the nation’s already embattled Christian community. Our brothers and sisters of the Coptic Orthodox Church are persecuted on a nearly daily basis in Egypt for their faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not only the Copts, but also the 300,000 Greek Orthodox Christians in Egypt suffer sporadic persecution, discrimination, and harassment, and as we see so often, frequently Egyptian officials do little or nothing to alleviate their plight. In this case, Nabil Habashi was arrested because ISIS considers the Christians to be supporters of the government they’re trying to destroy. What action that government will take in response remains to be seen.

For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in Egypt, see here.

“ISIS releases video of the execution of The martyrdom of a Coptic man, Nabil Habashi, who was kidnapped in Sinai,” by Raghda El-Sayed, April 18, 2021:

The terrorist organization ISIS broadcast a video of the execution of a Copt in the village of Bir al-Abed in North Sinai, Nabil Habashi, who was kidnapped in November 2020.

The firing squad carried out the execution under the pretext of Christian support for the Egyptian army and the Egyptian state against the Islamic State.

Last November, gunmen kidnapped Nabil Habashi Salama in Bir al-Abd in North Sinai among passers-by….

They asked for a ransom of five million; then no one heard of them until the video clip appeared today.

Nabil Habashi was the one who built the sole Church in Bir al-Abd center.

Before his execution, ISIS forced Nabil Habashi to record a video in which he said his name and that the Church was cooperating with the army against the Islamic State.

Before the execution, the terrorists sent a threatening message to the Coptics supporting the Egyptian state.

They said that Coptics must pay the ransom, indicating that the Christians of Egypt that this is a penalty for those who follow the army, and the bill is long, and the calculation is complex.

Then they shot the Habashi in the head….

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