Archon News

Algeria: Another Church Forced to Close

The continued closure of churches in Algeria illustrates the insecurity and fear with which many non-Christian governing authorities the world over regard Christianity. They are aware of how our Lord Jesus Christ can transform souls, and they work hard to prevent the message of the Holy Gospel from reaching their people.

For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in Algeria, see here.

“Algerian Church Forced to Close,” Barnabas Fund, April 19, 2022:

A church in the port city of Béjaïa, Algeria, has been closed with immediate effect.

The provincial governor issued an administrative closure order on March 21 that was communicated to the Aouchiche church leaders on April 6, instructing them to stop worship meetings.

The church has more than 300 members and belongs to the EPA (Église Protestante d’Algérie), the officially recognized group of Protestant churches in Algeria.

Aouchiche is the seventeenth EPA-affiliated church to be closed by the authorities since November 2017.

A 2006 ordinance stipulates that permission must be obtained before a building is used for non-Muslim worship. This law has been used regularly by authorities to close churches and seal the buildings.

Several churches have been closed under the 2006 ordinance in recent years. The licensing commission established at the time has yet to grant a single license….

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