Archon News

New England Archons to host virtual lecture, September 21

On behalf of Regional Commanders Dr. Aristotle Papanikolaou and Drake G. Behrakis, all Archons of America are invited to participate in a New England Archon Lecture on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 7:00PM ET. The lecture will be held virtually via Zoom and offered by Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Lecture information is listed below.

It has been almost seven months since Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s war on its neighbor has been characterized by President Vladimir Putin in both geopolitical and ideological terms—as a special military operation to denazify Ukraine and to preserve the inherent cultural unity of Russia and Ukraine and as a necessary corrective to NATO’s effort to integrate Ukraine into a Western security arrangement incompatible with Moscow’s spheres of influence approach to Eurasian geopolitics.

Debates about the causes and consequences of Russia’s military war in Ukraine are central to Transatlantic security and international media contexts. Yet, Russia has been waging another war in Ukraine, with the Kremlin and the Patriarchate of Moscow using the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s granting of the Tomos of Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine as pretext to declare an ecclesiastical war for primacy. This “Other Ukraine War” is changing the contours of global Orthodox Christianity, by aggravating existential threats to the See of Constantinople, targeting Greece’s religious ecosystem for influence-building, and opening Orthodoxy to risks of internal and external geopolitical calculation.

This presentation will use the hybridity of Russia’s war in Ukraine in order to analyze the complex intersections of religion and geopolitics as they affect the survival of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the significance of global Orthodox unity for contemporary world affairs.

Meeting Participation Details

Join Zoom Meeting on September 21 at 7:00PM ET

Meeting ID: 896 6941 3069

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Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou

The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou is spending this semester as Senior Fellow at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, where she has been serving as Faculty Director of the Initiative on Religion, Law, and Diplomacy and teaching in the Program on International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. She is also-Chair of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom’s Working Group on Christians and Religious Pluralism in the Middle East and is a Co- President of Religions for Peace. Prodromou served a diplomatic appointment as Vice Chair and Commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (2004-2012), and she was also a member of the U.S. Secretary of State’s Religion & Foreign Policy Working Group (2011- 2015). Her research interests focus on the intersections of geopolitics, religion, and human rights, with particular focus on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. The author of two edited volumes and many book chapters, her most recent publication deals with Russian influence- building through religious soft power, in The Kremlin Playbook 3: Keeping the Faith. She has published widely in peer-review journals, including Journal of World Christianity, Journal of Democracy, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Orbis, Survival, European Journal of Political Research, among others. Prodromou is a frequent commentator and contributor in US and international media platforms, and she has offered expert testimony and briefings to policymaking bodies such as the US Helsinki Commission, the European Parliament, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. She has held visiting research appointments from the Center for American Progress, the Hedayah International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism, Harvard University, and Princeton University, among others. She was a consultant member of the delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (2016). She holds a Ph.D. and an S.M. in political science from MIT, an M.A.L.D. in international relations from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University), and a B.A. in history and international relations from Tufts University. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. She holds a Ph.D. and an S.M. in political science from MIT, an M.A.L.D. in international relations from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University), and a B.A. in history and international relations from Tufts University. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. She is married to Dr. Alexandros Kyrou, and they are happy parents to their daughter, Sophia.

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