
Stephen Kalivas, R. Ph.


Stephen S. Kalivas of the St. Vasilios Church in Peabody, MA, was invested as Archon in 2012 and conferred with the offikion Ostiarios.

Archon Kalivas has participated and offered assistance to many of the ministries of his parish and of the Holy Metropolis of Boston.

Archon Kalivas is a pharmacist.

Stephen Kalivas, R. Ph.

Stephen S. Kalivas of the St. Vasilios Church in Peabody, MA, was invested as Archon in 2012 and conferred with the offikion Ostiarios.

Archon Kalivas has participated and offered assistance to many of the ministries of his parish and of the Holy Metropolis of Boston.

Archon Kalivas is a pharmacist.