
George Mitsanas


George Mitsinas of the St. Katherine Church in Redondo Beach, CA, was invested as Archon in 2017 and conferred with the offikion Referendarios.

Archon Mitsinas has served a vital role in arranging favorable financing for the Holy Metropolis of San Francisco facilities and parishes and has himself been a generous benefactor.

Archon Mitsanas specializes in the real estate financing business.

George Mitsanas

George Mitsinas of the St. Katherine Church in Redondo Beach, CA, was invested as Archon in 2017 and conferred with the offikion Referendarios.

Archon Mitsinas has served a vital role in arranging favorable financing for the Holy Metropolis of San Francisco facilities and parishes and has himself been a generous benefactor.

Archon Mitsanas specializes in the real estate financing business.