Archon News

Gratitude Tuesday, A New Archon Observance

Dear Archon Family and Friends,

This year has been a different one, to say the least. Out of the many challenges of a worldwide pandemic, one thing has remained steadfast: your generosity and Archon Stewardship.

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving traditionally has been observed as “Giving Tuesday,” a day to make donations to worthy causes. Today, your inbox is probably inundated with emails encouraging you to make donations. Instead of observing “Giving Tuesday,” we’d like to rename it “Gratitude Tuesday,” a day in tribute to your Archon Stewardship.

Because of you, we have accomplished so much this year:

  • Over 1000 Archons, families and guests participated in the 2021 Archon Weekend Events last month.
  • ~200 Archons have sponsored one or more days in the Exarch’s Appeal so far this year, noting many Archons make their annual donations in December.
  • ~300 total number of Archons have contributed to the 2021 Exarch’s Appeal thus far.
  • 104 Archons are among the 168 founders who have each pledged at least $100,000 to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Foundation. As of November 27, 2021, almost $19 million dollars has been raised to secure the financial foundation of our Holy Mother Church.
  • Archon donations empowered the Order of Saint Andrew to donate almost $1 million to help underwrite the triumphant Patriarchal visitation to the United States, including the historic Archon Weekend activities.
  • 150 Archons have signed up to donate their time and talent to one of eight Archon Engagement Committees.
  • Hundreds of Archons have participated in Archon Bootcamp, the Annual Lenten Retreat, and various religious freedom symposia led by our devoted Regional Commanders across the country over the past year.

Whether you provided your time, talent, treasure, or all three, we Thank YOU! Your contribution is an inspiration to all of us.

It is my great honor, on behalf of the entire Order of Saint Andrew, to extend a huge ευχαριστώ (thank you) to each and every brother Archon and their families for all you do on behalf of the Holy and Great Mother Church, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

In Service to the Great Church of Christ,

Anthony J. Limberakis, MD

Archon Aktouarios

National Commander

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