Archon Michael G. Psaros, left, and Archon Dean A. Spanos, right, honored with commemorative postage stamps by The Hellenic Post (ELTA) and the International Foundation for Greece (IFG).
The Hellenic Post (ELTA) and the International Foundation for Greece (IFG) have designated two U.S. Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for a rare and extraordinary honor: they are among four members of the global Greek diaspora who are depicted in the latest issues of the Commemorative Stamp Series “Distinguished Greek Personalities – IFG.” Archons Michael G. Psaros and Dean A. Spanos were honored on October 14, 2024 at the Dimitrios Pandermalis amphitheater of the Acropolis Museum in Athens, as images of the stamps were unveiled.
IFG Founder and President Aspasia Leventis and the event’s moderator, journalist and author Giorgos Archimandritis, explained that the postage stamps constituted “recognition of successful Hellenes abroad who not only do not forget their Hellenic origin, but through their work and lives express, promote, and invigorate the Hellenic Spirit.”

Present at the press conference were Archon Psaros’ wife Robin and also Archon Spanos’ wife Susie, along with his brother Michael, sister Alexis Spanos Ruhl and Barry Ruhl. Archon Spiritual Advisor Rev. Protopresbyter Alexander Karloutsos, and Father Alex’s son, Archon Michael Karloutsos were also in attendance.
Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis, National Commander of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, said, “We are extremely grateful to God for this immense honor that has been accorded to two of our brother Archons, Michael Psaros and Dean Spanos, by the government of Greece. With admirable dedication and energy, they have both provided superb examples of what it truly means to give one’s time, talent and resources in support of our Holy Mother Church of Constantinople and the Orthodox Christian Church throughout the United States. The same can be said of our brother Archons who were previous IFG honorees depicted on stamps: Archons John Catsimatidis, Andrew Liveris, George Stephanopoulos, and George Behrakis.”

Along with Archons Psaros and Spanos, also among the 2024 honorees were producer, director and screenwriter Dr. George Miller and architect and urban planner Dr. Demetri Porphyrios, who is also an Archon of the Ecumenical Throne.
At the press conference announcing this singular honor, IFG President Leventis announced that Archon Psaros had made a 100,000 euro donation to the IFG’s school fuel fund, which supplies heating oil to schools and charitable institutions, especially in northern Greece.
Archon Michael G. Psaros is a fulfilled FOUNDER of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Foundation. Mr. Psaros is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the St. Nicholas, a Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine located at Ground Zero in New York City ( He is the former Vice Chair of the organization responsible for its construction and completion. The Psaros Family created the “The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Endowed Orthodox Chaplaincy, endowed by the Michael Psaros Family,” announced during the Apostolic Visit by the Ecumenical Patriarch to Georgetown University in 2021. The Psaros Family also funded an Orthodox Christian Iconostasis and accompanying Iconography for the Copley Crypt Chapel at Georgetown University. Mr. Psaros serves on the Executive Committee of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and formerly served as its Treasurer, where he led a transformational financial restructuring. He received the Archon Nicholas J. Bouras Award for Philanthropic Leadership in 2022. He serves on the Investment Committee of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Foundation. He serves on the Board of Trustees of The Leadership 100, an Endowment for Orthodoxy and Hellenism. He serves on the Executive Board of The Hellenic Initiative. Psaros is a proud member of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA).
Archon Dean A. Spanos is a celebrated businessman and philanthropist who is the owner and Chairman of the Board of the Los Angeles Chargers of the National Football League. He is also the Chairman of the Board of the Spanos Corporation, as well as a member of Leadership 100 and the Faith Endowment. Archon Spanos is a member of the Friends of Saint Nicholas, which was established in December 2019 in order to raise, invest, and disburse funds for the construction and further improvement of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine. The Spanos family was the largest donor to the Shrine, with an extraordinarily generous gift of $10 million. Archon Spanos is renowned in Southern California as one of an active philanthropist who has aided a multitude of local causes.