Archon News

Archon George Demacopoulos to Interview Moscow Patriarchate Insider on the Role of the Moscow Patriarchate in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

With the blessing and presence of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church in Port Washington, New York is presenting an event that will illuminate the role of the Moscow Patriarchate in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Join us as Archon George Demacopoulos interviews Sergei Chapnin, a former Moscow Patriarchate insider, who offers a candid assessment of the inner workings of the Moscow Patriarchate and its role in the invasion of Ukraine.

The two will discuss crucial questions that have a direct bearing on today’s headlines, including: What is the relationship between the Moscow Patriarchate and Putin’s government? How has the Patriarch’s development of the Russki Mir (Russian World) ideology fueled the Kremlin’s imperialist aspirations? On what basis does the Moscow Patriarch claim to be protecting “Traditional Values” against a “godless West”? And are there alternative voices within the Russian Church?

The discussion will include a pastoral reflection by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America.

The event will be held on Monday, April 4, at Archangel Michael Church at 100 Fairway Drive in Port Washington. A reception will begin at 6PM EDT, followed by the Conversation at 7PM EDT. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by April 1 to

The event will be streamed on the Church’s YouTube channel

This event is sponsored by the Archons of New York and New Jersey, and is organized by Regional Commanders John Kassimatis and Nikiforos Mathews.

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