1. Definition
Members of the Order known as Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate shall be only those individuals who have been bestowed with the offikion of Archon and are distinguished with the following:
- Possess an official document, signed and sealed by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople proclaiming them Archons with specific titles and provided further that they continue to remain in good standing.
- By their actions, have become defenders of the Orthodox Faith; exemplary Orthodox Christian Stewards offering their time, talents and treasures to the Mother Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America or other Orthodox Dioceses under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate; well respected by their fellow citizens and known for their high degree of dignity, morality and upright character; and proclaim, support, participate and practice in the educational and philanthropic activities, as well as the liturgical and sacramental life of their local Orthodox Parishes. (Amended October 21, 2023)
2. Mission
The mission of the members of the Order, in their capacity as Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, shall be to actively support and defend the Mother Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America or other Orthodox Dioceses under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate; provide for and contribute towards the general welfare of the poor, handicapped and disadvantaged; and proclaim, observe and practice devotion, fidelity, obedience and love to the Orthodox Christian Church, its teachings, dogmas, traditions and sacraments through spiritual, educational and philanthropic activities. (Amended October 21, 2023)
3. Obligations
In order to accomplish its sacred Mission, as hereinabove described, the Order must rely upon the active and sustained participation and support of all of its Members. Towards that objective, the Order shall establish the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal to the Members of the Order. Each Member is obligated to promptly respond to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal and contribute in accordance with his conscience and financial ability.
In addition, all Members are obligated to support, by deed and word, additional events and activities, as their elected governing body may, from time to time, proclaim.
4. Expulsion
The National Council (as hereinafter defined), by a vote of two thirds (⅔’s) among those present and voting and with the approval of the Exarch, is hereby empowered to remove from its membership rolls or, depending upon the degree of the transgression, impose lesser sanctions, any Member of the Order who has conducted himself in a manner inconsistent with the principles and objectives of the Order and has deliberately violated these Bylaws or has brought disrepute to the Order; provided, however, that prior to a final determination by the National Council, such Member is afforded an opportunity to appear either in person or by virtual video or by certified mail or by overnight delivery before the National Council and rebut any and all accusations made against him. (Amended Oct. 27th, 2007; Oct. 27th, 2018, October 8, 2022).