2010 Brussels Video


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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Welcoming Dinner Reception

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: National Commander Anthony J. Limberakis, MD

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Rodi Kratsa Tsagaropoulou

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Metropolitan Emmanuel

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Archbishop Demetrios

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Rabbi Arthur Schneier

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Overview of Issues and Concerns

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Egemen Bagis

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Mark Vanderrick

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Specific Religious Freedom Issues and Concerns of Minorities

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Orhan Kemal Cengiz

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: James J. Silk

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Legal and Humanitarian Perspectives

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Mustafa Akyol

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Dr. Emre Oktem

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Dr. Bican Sahin

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: View from European Parliamentarians’ side of the Bridge

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Riza Turmen

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Andrew Ekonomou

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Prof. Dr. Huseyin Hatemi

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Anthony J. Limberakis, MD

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Symposium – Interactive Dialogue

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Archon Religious Freedom Conference: Grand Banquet

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Opening Press Conference – 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom

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The 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom #EndPersecutionOfChristians

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Capitol Hill Lunch – 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom

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Session Two: Persecution of Christians and Possible Solutions

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Grand Banquet – 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom

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Address by Chairman Ed Royce at the 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom

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Address by Senator Marco Rubio at the 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom

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Address by Jay Sekulow at the 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom

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Farewell Dinner – 3rd International Conference On Religious Freedom

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Session Three: Freedom of Religion and the Press

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Session Four: Sacred Sites and Property Rights

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Breakfast and Remarks – 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom

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Breakfast and Opening Remarks – 3rd International Conference On Religious Freedom

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Session One: History of the Christian Church – 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom

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George Rockas (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D. (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Hillary Rodham Clinton (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Archbishop Demetrios (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Metropolitan Emmanuel (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Andrew Manatos (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Ayhan Kaya (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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William Antholis (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Mine Yildirim (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)

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Panel Discussion: Legal and Humanitarian Perspectives on Equality, State Neutrality & Pluralism

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Ergun Ozbudun (2nd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom)