Note the role of the police in this matter. “He said he had been forced to begin preaching outside under the shade of trees after he was forced out of his rented church by local police.” And: “Earlier this month, a mob of 30 right-wing Hindu activists armed with hockey sticks, baseball bats and pistols set upon some 150 Christian pastors in the neighbouring Uttar Pradesh province, according to ICC. Following the attack, local media reported police were investigating claims of religious conversions by the Christian group.”
It is an unfortunately recurring phenomenon that authorities in all too many nations where Christians face persecution are more sympathetic to the attackers than they are to the victims, so the persecuted Christians must suffer doubly in being denied justice after being attacked. Please pray for the Lord’s mercy upon India, to which the St. Thomas the Apostle brought the Holy Orthodox Faith in the fifth decade of the first century.
“CHRISTIANITY CRACKDOWN: Priest beaten UNCONSCIOUS while leading outdoor service,” by Harvey Gavin, Express, November 28, 2018:
A CHRISTIAN pastor was beaten unconscious in a religiously-motivated attack involving a mob of 150 thugs angry at his open-air services.
A gang of “fanatics” set upon the priest and his mainly female congregation of around 80 people, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The attack in the Indian province of Bihar earlier this month is the latest in a series of violent incidents targeting Christians in the north of the country. Pastor Das told ICC the attack took place after his congregation in the town of Tetua had grown from a small group to more than 200 people.
He said he had been forced to begin preaching outside under the shade of trees after he was forced out of his rented church by local police.
Pastor Das told ICC: “The fanatics didn’t like this open place worship, so they attacked and beat me.
“When our believers requested them to give some time to buy a place and build a worship hall, they surrounded us and started beating us.
“Two men caught me and began to rain blows on me with their hands. I got hurt in my chest very badly and my arm was injured.
“They threw me on the ground and beat me until I became unconscious.”
Pastor Das said the attack had left him suffering from headaches and internal injuries from the beating mean he is still unable to speak properly.
The ICC says Christians in India are increasingly being accused of attempting to forcibly convert others to their religion.
This charge is frequently used to justify attacks, the group says.
Earlier this month, a mob of 30 right-wing Hindu activists armed with hockey sticks, baseball bats and pistols set upon some 150 Christian pastors in the neighbouring Uttar Pradesh province, according to ICC.
Following the attack, local media reported police were investigating claims of religious conversions by the Christian group….